Saturday, October 18, 2008

Why World of Warcraft is Evil.

After a longstanding break from the trappings of this massive multi-online player role playing game, I feel the echo of fast flying fireballs, swift strokes of sharpened claws and the "swat swat" of feathered mythical mount wings calling me from the depths of the Molten Core. Even though this game is filled with epic adventures of massive time wasting properties, I still am drawn to the alternative of a wasted Saturday afternoon of watching Barefoot Contessa on the food network channel.

I think the ultimate reason I stopped playing in the first place was because the addictive drama-induced faux reality that is running a 150+ member guild was suddenly gone, and the game just didn't have the same appeal to me anymore. Whilst being a guild master had it's moments of wanting to rip out your hair and reach through your headset to kill the annoying "stewiegryphons" of the game, it still was a lot of fun to be in charge of a group with the same interests and goals. Kind of like running a football team, minus the football.

With Blizzard's inevitable release of new patches, new content and a new level cap, the idea of restarting a new character wants to make me punch bunnies, but I do miss the social outlet that an MMORPG provides. Especially one where you've grown to become attached to acquintances that mean much more that a big furry bear, or a staff-totin' robed priest that likes to slap you on the ass.

I do miss playing with my friends a great deal. It's truly amazing how meeting some animated cartoon figures fighting a big fish that spouts water to kill you can turn into meeting some of the greatest people I've ever considered friends. Besides, who else can you count on to not answer their phones at 3:00A.M. to discuss the evil that is Journey.

See you in game.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hey Soap!

Absolutely LOVE this song.