The interviews start rolling in...
Well, here are my prospects so far:
I've got a testing and interview on Friday with the Washington State Attorney General's office, as an office assistant. The salary is "meh", but the benefits are outstanding. I'd be starting over career wise, but working for the AG's office definitely looks good on your resume, and gives you a starting point to move over to other positions as they open. Anything that gets me through the door, is a good thing.
I have an interview next Thursday for the Washington State Unemployment Commissioner's Review Office. This job is not only state, but union as well. That is a definite plus, plus, plus in my book. I would be responsible for working with Administrative Review Judges for employees being denied unemployment benefits. Acknowledging appeals/petitions, drafting Notices of Decisions, etc. Lots of responsibility, but salary comparable. This is one of my top choices.
I received an email from the Washington State Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals for a Legal Secretary position for the Industrial Appeal Judges. The HR department wanted me to send in my resume and references for the current opening they have before it closed, and I'm pretty confident I'll get an interview for this one, being that I have experience in Worker's Compensation Law. This is also another top choice.
On the non-careerish path wise, I applied for a job as a Liquor Control Board License Investigator. I was informed today that I've been selected to move forward, and shoud be receiving notice of further proceedings soon, which means, "yaay, more interviews!" This would be a fun job. It's high client contact, and reporting, and pretty much gets to be the person who decides who gets to sell alcohol in our area. Wow, FUN! NO RUM FOR YOU!
Anyways, things are looking up this week, I'm excited about my job prospects. I guess applying for about a dozen state jobs so far is finally starting to pay off as some of these openings close. I'll keep you posted!
Test chat box
15 years ago
Awesome, I'll be praying for ya!
GL, prayers for you.
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